Dr. Lino Calvani
- Register of the Italian Medical Association of Rome and Province n° 32298
- Register of the Italian Order of Dentists of Rome and Province n° 449
- Register of the Roman order of Dental Technicians n° 001097
- US Board Certified Prosthodontist, (Reconfirmed in 2017)
Short Curriculum Vitae

Dr. Lino Calvani is the Medical Director of the Practice and its Team.
Dr. Lino Calvani graduated in "MEDICINE AND SURGERY" from LA SAPIENZA UNIVERSITY in Rome, where he also obtained his qualification in "DENTAL MEDICINE". He is also a Diplomate in "DENTAL TECHNOLOGY" with a final grade of "100/100", with Italian and European value, at the Istituto Tecnico Professionale Maggiori in Rome
In 1983 he obtained a Certificate in "PLASTIC AND RECONSTRUCTIVE SURGERY OF THE NECK, HEAD AND FACE", with an evaluation of "Excellent", at the SCUOLA MEDICA OSPEDALIERA of ROME.
In 1988 he moved to the USA where in 1991 he obtained a Specialty Certificate in "PROSTHODONTICS AND OPERATIVE DENTISTRY" (CAGS) with "Honor", at the Department of Prosthetic and Reconstructive Dentistry of the TUFTS UNIVERSITY School of Dental Medicine in Boston, directed by Prof. Gino Passamonti.
He holds a Two-Year Master's Degree in: "APPLIED BIOMECHANICS ENGINEERING" (MSc) with a final grade of "Honor" from the prestigious Bio-Engineering Department, the Wolfson Center, STRATHCLYDE UNIVERSITY in Glasgow, Scotland, UK, directed by Prof. Eng. Sandy Nikol .
He holds a Two-Year Master's Degree in: "EXPERIMENTAL AND TRASLATIONAL THERAPY" (MSc) from the prestigious Department of Oncology of the UNIVERSITY of OXFORD, UK, directed by Prof. Len Seymour, under the guidance of Prof. Elaine Johnstone.
He holds a First Level Master's Degree in: "SUSTAINABLE HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT" (MSc) from the prestigious Department of Economics of the EUROPEAN UNIVERSITY OF ROME, UER, directed by Prof. Silvia Profili.
He obtained his Doctoral Research Degree in: "PROSTHODONTICS AND RECONSTRUCTIVE DENTISTRY" (PhD), with a final grade of "Summa Cum Laude", at the prestigious Department of Prosthetic and Reconstructive Dentistry of the ARISTOTLE UNIVERSITY of Thessaloniki, Greece, directed by Prof. Argiris Pissiotis, Prof. Konstantinos Michalakis, Prof. Petros Koidis.
He also successfully obtained a first Certificate of Advanced Studies in: "EXECUTIVE LEADERSHIP of HEALTHCARE FACILITIES", and a second Certificate of Advanced Studies in: "MANAGEMENT OF CHANGE IN HEALTHCARE FACILITIES", at CORNELL UNIVERSITY, College of Human Ecology and Johnson College for Business, in Ithaca, NY, USA,
He is studying to achieve a Certificate of Advanced Studies in "BIOLOGY AND LIFE SCIENCES", at the Biology Department of MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE of TECHNOLOGY (MIT), Dir. Prof. E.S. Lander, Former Scientific Councillor of US President, Boston, Massachusetts, USA.
He was awarded the prestigious "PRIVATE PRACTICE PROSTHODONTIST AWARD", the International Recognition of the American College of Prosthodontists (ACP), for his outstanding contributions to the Specialty of Prosthodontics, advancing prosthodontic practice, or the public's understanding of the role that the prosthodontist in private practice plays in advancing the quality of life; as well as exemplifying collegiality, cross discipline outreach, and exemplary community service.
Teaching Assignments
In 1990-91, Dr. Calvani taught Prosthetic and Reconstructive Dentistry as a CLINICAL INSTRUCTOR to the students of the Degree Course in Dental Medicine at Tufts University in Boston, Massachusetts, Boston, USA.
From 1994 to 2004 he taught with the title of ASSISTANT PROFESSOR at the Specialty Program in Prosthodontics and Operative Dentistry, Division of Advanced Education of Graduate and Postgraduate Prosthodontics, Tufts University.
Since 2005 he is an ADJUNCT ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR in the same Department of Prosthodontics Specialty. (Chair Prof. HP Weber, Prof. W. Att, Directors Prof. Gino Passamonti, Prof. Hiroshi Hirayama, Prof. Kiho Kahn, Prof. Konstantinos Vazouras).
Since 2002 he is DIRECTOR of 2 COURSES at TUFTS in the Continuous Education Department, directors Prof. Van Zissi, Dr. Samuel Ruth and Dr. Shibani Sahni, on:
1- COMPLEX RECONSTRUCTIONS. Prosthodontic Rehabilitations of Complete Edentulous Arches,
2- THE PROSTHODONTIC TREATMENT PLAN. From Simple to Complex Cases.
From 2003 to 2007, he taught with the title of PROFESSOR with a Contract in the Department of Oral Anatomy, of the Degree Course in Dentistry and Dental Prosthetics of SIENA University , directed by Prof. Luciano Fonzi, as Course Director of the "Relationship between Oral Anatomy and Dental Prostheses", Siena, Italy.
In 2021 he became a FACULTY MEMBER of the International Organization "Future Leaders in Prosthodontics", (FLiP), University of MISSISSIPPI, Medical Center, directed by University Dean Sree Koka.
He has been awarded the Visiting LECTURER Title at famous Universities where he has held lectures and seminars:
- UNIVERSITY of CONNECTICUT Health Center, UCONN, Department of Oral Reconstructive Sciences, Farmington, Connecticut. (Chair Prof. Tom Taylor; Dir. Prof. John Agar, Prof. Avi Bidra).
- UNIVERSITY of HARVARD, Department of Advanced Prosthetic Dentistry, Boston, Massachusetts, (Director Prof. Robert Wright).
- UNIVERSITY of MARYLAND, Department of Prosthetic and Reconstructive Dentistry, Baltimore, Maryland, (Directors Prof. Carl Driscol, Prof Radi Masri.
Academies and Scientific Organizations
Fellow of:
- American College of Prosthodontics (FACP),
- International College of Dentists (FICD),
- Academy of Prosthodontics (AP),
- Greater New York Academy of Prosthodontists (GNYAP).
- Royal Society of Medicine (RSM)
Active Member of:
- American Academy of Fixed Prosthodontics (AAFP)
- European Academy of Aesthetic Dentistry (EAED)
- International Federation of Aesthetic Dentistry (IFED),
Former Member of:
- International Association for Dental Research (IADR)
- International Society of Biomechanics (ISB)
- American Prosthodontic Society (APS)
Other Memberships
- Membro Costituente dell'International College of Prosthodontists (ICP)
- Membro Associato dell'Accademia Italiana di Odontoiatria Protesica (AIOP)
- Co-Fondatore dell'Accademia Italiana di Odontoiatria Estetica (IAED)
- Membro Fondatore dell'Italian College of Prosthodontists (ICP
Honorable Duties and Positions
1- Scientific Publications Chairman of the European Academy of Aesthetic Dentistry, 2003-2004,
2- President of the Tufts University Prosthodontic Alumni Organization National Chapter, since 2007.
3- President of the Italian Academy of Aesthetic Dentistry, 2013-2016.
4- Co-Founder and President of the Italian Tufts Alumni, (ITA), since 2009.
5- Member of the Membership Committee of the International College of Prosthodontists, (ICP), 2009-2013.
6- Member of the Strategic Planning Committee of the American Academy of Fixed Prosthodontics, (AAFP), 2012-2016.
7- Member of the Member Acceptance Committee of the International College of Prosthodontists, (ICP), 2010-14.
8- Member of the Prosthodontics Awareness Week Task Force of the American College of Prosthodontists, (ACP) 2012-2014.
9- Member of the Professional Relationships Committee of the International College of Prosthodontists, (ICP), 2016-2018.
10- Member of the Digital Symposiums Organizing Committee of the American College of Prosthodontists, 2014-2016.
11- Member of the Fall Meeting Scientific Organizing Committee of the Greater New York Academy of Prosthodontists, (GNYAP), 2016.
12- Member of the Spokeperson Committee of the American College of Prosthodontists. (ACP).
13- Member of the Organizing Committee of the European Academy of Esthetic Dentistry for the Milano International Congress, (EAED) 2017.
14- Evaluating Committee Judge for the Poster Session of the American College of Prosthodontists Meetings, (ACP) 2008-2016.
15- Evaluating Committee Judge for the Poter Session of the American Academy of Fixed Prosthodontics Meetings, (AAFP) Chicago, 2009-2016.
16- Membership Director, Region 7, International, of the American College of Prosthodontists, (ACP), 2012-2016.
17- Official Candidate to the Vice-Presidency of the American College of Prosthodontists, (ACP), 2016.
18- Member of Scientific Committees if charge of the Scientific Programs of the American College of Prosthodontists (ACP), in New Orleans, 2014; in San Diego 2016 (Moderator).
19- President of the Italian Academy of Esthetic Dentistry, (IAED), 2013-16.
20- Chairman of the Italian Tufts Prosthodontics Alumni Charitable Organization (TPACO), since 2009.
21- Member of the Global Outreach Committee of the Greater New York Academy of Prosthodontics, (GNYAP), 2021-2022.
22- Member of the History and Record Committee (HRC) of the Academy of Prosthodontics, (AP), 2021-2022.
23- Member of the George H. Moulton Award Committee pot the American Academy of Fixed Prosthodontics, (AAFP), 2022-2024.
24- Former Member of the Editorial Council of the Journal of Dental Implantology and Periodontology, (JDIP), 1993-1995.
25- Former Reviewer of the European Journal of Aesthetic Dentistry, (EJED), 2005-2012.
26- Reviewer of the Editorial Council of the International Journal of Aesthetic Dentistry, (IJED), 2021-2024.
26- Organizer, Moderator and Lecturer at Scientific Meetings and Congresses in the USA, Europe, Asia and Africa.
27- Former Director and Chairman of the Dental Engineering, in Rome, 2010-2016.
28- Founder and Chairman of the Global Advanced Prosthodontic - Conferences, (GAP-C), 2018-2024.
29- HR Consultant at the Giovanni XXIII Hospital, Monastier di Treviso, Venice, Italy.
Scientific Publications
1- He is the Author and Co-Author of several dozen Scientific Publications in National and International Scientific Journals and Journals of Medicine, Dentistry, and Dental and Implant Prosthetics,
2- He is the author of the appreciated and world-widespread TEXTBOOK: "FUNDAMENTALS OF TREATMENT PLANNING. Guidelines on how to develop, plan, write, and deliver a prosthodontic care project". The textbook teaches and explains to Undergraduate and Graduate Students and established professionals study, how to develop, plan, write and complete a treatment plan in Prosthetic and Reconstructive Dental Medicine. Edited and published by Quintessence Publishing Ed.
--- Preview of the book and its contents visible by clicking on the URL https://www.quintessence-publishing.com/downloads/preview_22431_calvani_fundamentals_of_treatment_planning.pdf
-Prof. Tom Taylor, Chair, UNIVERSITY of CONNECTICUT, UCONN - "This textbook is very, very IMPRESSIVE!!!
-Prof. Carl Driscoll, Frm. Director, UNIVERSITY of MARYLAND - "I highly recommend this textbook to all dental students and Professionals. it is a mandatory reading!!!"
-Prof. Lyndon Cooper, Dean, VIRGINIA COMMONWEALTH UNIVERSITY, VCU - "A fundamental Textbook, highly referenced and illustrated. Always keep a copy at hand!"
-Prof. Hiroshi Hirayama, Director, BOSTON UNIVERSITY, BU - "This textbook is the most useful textbook for all Dental Professionals and Prosthodonists on how to treatment plan and taking care of patients intelligently at our best!!!"
-Prof. Laurie Moeller, Director, LOUISIANA STATE UNIVERSITY, LSU - "Dr. Calvani's textbook is a real treasure!! It is comprehensive and well organized on the subject of treatment planning, (which can be a complex topic)!! I know that it will be useful for our Prosthodontic residents!!"
-Prof. Tom Balshi, Professor, NOVA STATE UNIVERSITY, Florida - "This textbook on treatment planning is a wonderful tribute to our Specialty of Prosthodontics!! It will without doubt become a backbone of training programs not only for the Specialty of Prosthodontics , for other residents and established Professionals as well!!
-Prof. Van Ramos, Director, UNIVERSITY of WASHINGTON, Seattle - "This textbook should be required for all students and professionals!! An exceptional contribution to our profession!!!"
-Prof. John Agar, Frm. Director, UNIVERSITY of CONNECTICUT, UCONN - "What great experience when I read this textbook!!! A truly well done, well-organized, easy-to-read. It is really something that was needed and the illustrations are great. A textbook for students, educators, and clinicians!!!"
-Prof. Frank Tuminelli, Director, HOSPITAL QUEENS, New York, HARBOUR HS - "This textbook is "The Guide" to provide all the information on the fundamental components that allow you to achieve only positive clinical results!!"
-Prof. Gerry Grant, President ACP, Director, UNIVERSITY of LOUISVILLE, Kentucky - "An EXCELLENT reference!!! All my students have it!!"
-Prof. Eli Eliav, Director, Vice Dean for Oral Health, School of Medicine and Dentistry, UNIVERSITY of ROCHESTER MEDICAL CENTER - "It Looks great!! I will share it with our group!!"
3- OTHER TEXTBOOKS (currently being edited):
a- Complete Denture Book, "Complete Denture Prosthodontics: from Analog to the Future", (Editing/Publ.).
b- Book of Facial and Dental Aesthetics, "Advanced Biomechanics and Biodynamics of Facial Support", (Editing).
c- Book on Treatment with Artificial Intelligence, "Advanced Prosthodontic Treatment Planning. AI and the Aesthetic Challenges. (Editing)
d- HR Health Economics Book, "SUSTAINABILITY AND HEALTHCARE STRUCTURES. The Sustainable Health Revolution: How, When and Why. (Editing)