Dental Aesthetics

The team of this practice uses the best treatments with the latest technologies in the field of the best oral and dental care, in order to achieve the best individualized aesthetic and cosmetic results for each patient. Aesthetic Dental Medicine can help a lot to treat, reconstruct, align, whiten, and give or restore the best presence of a mouth and a smile which allows you to enhance your face with the advantage of interpersonal relationships and the psychological well-being of people.
1- THE FIRST IMPORTANT BUSINESS CARD for everyone is a beautiful healthy mouth, smelling well, with teeth aligned and harmonized with each other and lighter in color, inserted in the context of a well-groomed and smiling face. The maximum expression of the beauty of a mouth is the "SMILE". When we smile, our lips retract and reveal our teeth and gums, acting as a frame for them.
2- SMILE AESTHETICS is one of the treatments that are most requested of us. For decades we have been helping everyone regain, improve and maintain their smile. Many well-known Personalities have turned and turn to us with trust and great personal and professional aesthetic needs, and they have all been treated successfully and in compliance with ethics and confidentiality", as have all our patients
3- THE POSITION OF THE TEETH AND GUMS IS VERY IMPORTANT. They are the main support of the lips and cheeks!! If the teeth and gums are malpositioned, even the shape and position of the soft tissues such as the lips and the most anterior part of the cheeks that rest on them will be conditioned to assume a certain position which we call the physiognomy of the face. This is seen to a greater extent in thin people, where these soft tissues faithfully copy what supports them.
4- A TREATMENT PRIORITY - You must always evaluate the position of the teeth first, and then think about how and where to use fillers! Not always, but many times it is wrong to think that you can improve the lower third of the face by only undergoing filling with fillers. It should be known that in many cases not only is the natural shape of the tissues altered, but often the mobility and functionality of the filled parts are also modified, which may move in a different and visibly non-normal way. Facial aesthetics must be studied carefully and as a whole from the beginning of planning an aesthetic treatment, otherwise it is no wonder if you then see people with unnaturally swollen lips and faces.
5- THE FINAL RESULT - It is useless to have enormous lips, and inflated cheeks and faces (to eliminate otherwise natural wrinkles...), and then smile showing teeth that have obvious aesthetic problems. This does not attract anyone, on the contrary, and unfortunately we see it every day because "in many cases the two treatments are not integrated right from their initial planning". The use of fillers alone, often excessive, ends up sometimes disastrously changing the natural features of many, as well as the ability to move their lips and cheeks. It always takes a lot of professional judgment and good taste before touching and modifying a face, and before starting any aesthetic treatment it is always necessary to evaluate, understand, prefigure and explain the possible final result well, clearly.
The Orthodontic Alignment

Aligning teeth can be done at any age and can be achieved with different types of orthodontic techniques depending on clinical and individual needs. We refer informations to the paragraph regarding our Centro di Ortodonzia .
Teeth Whitening

Hereafter we answer to your frequently asked following questions:
NOPE !!! A lighter color can easily be achieved in the office with whitening, a treatment that creates absolutely no problems for the teeth, is completely painless, and does not compromise oral health in any way. On the contrary, it has been proven that it helps kill many very harmful anaerobic bacteria such as Streptococcus Mutants and others. Firestone et al, 1982; Gurgan et al, 1996; Steinberg et al, 1999; Al-Qunaian, 2005; Alkmin et al, 2005; Kraigher et al, 2006; Zheng et al, 2014; Briso et al, 2017; Zhang et al, 2021; ... )
The gums near the teeth are gently protected by placing a very thin resin dam on them, and the whitening gels are placed only on the enamel. Slowly they introduce oxygen deeper and deeper into the enamel, progressively increasing its ability to refract light, and thus making the color of the teeth increasingly lighter to the eye, so whiter. Depending on the characteristics of the enamel and the initial color, 3-5 sessions can be expected, separated by a few days. Whitening is usually completed within a month. Time of each appointment +/- 1 hour.
Teeth that are whitened for the first time, during the first year have a tendency to lose oxygen molecules from the surface of the enamel, and with them also some whitening effect. Thus, to maintain the original whitening effect, depending on the case, everyone must return after a year to make one or two boosters that reinforce it. Over the course of two-three years at most, the color is stable, and the booster calls become increasingly distant over the years (5-7-10 years...).
Esthetic Reconstructions
In this paragraph we only want to remind you that today it is increasingly easier to aesthetically reconstruct teeth with the many composite resin and ceramic materials such as Microfilled Composites, Ceramic Veneers, Ceramic Crowns, Zirconia, Disilicate Lithium, and other materials that are constantly improved and formulated thanks to new technologies.